Fauci bungles AIDS

Fauci, named director of the NIAID in 1984, pushes AZT - a drug he is personally positioned in - instead of highly effective Bactrim (see the film 'Dallas Buyers Club'), resulting in the unnecessary deaths of millions.


National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act passed

National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act passed, granting vaccine manufacturers immunity from liability for injuries caused by vaccines.


Gates Foundation, focused on population control, is created

Funding 'immunization' and 'responsible reproduction' programs in developing nations, where vaccine recipients have no voice or recourse, the organization goes on to form relationships with Johns Hopkins University, Planned Parenthood, and the American Birth Control League.


Johns Hopkins University conducts simulation of a viral smallpox attack called 'Dark Winter'

The Dark Winter exercise, held at Andrews AFB, Washington, DC, June 22-23, 2001, portrayed a fictional scenario depicting a covert smallpox attack on US citizens.


Johns Hopkins University conducts simulation of a viral smallpox attack called 'Dark Winter'

The Dark Winter exercise, held at Andrews AFB, Washington, DC, June 22-23, 2001, portrayed a fictional scenario depicting a covert smallpox attack on US citizens.


Atlantic Storm drill commences

Atlantic Storm was a ministerial table-top exercise convened on January 14, 2005 by the Center for Biosecurity of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, the Center for Transatlantic Relations of the Johns Hopkins University, and the Transatlantic Biosecurity Network.


Reseach proves Fauci knew Hydroxychloroquine worked on SARS type coronaviruses

The Virology Journal, the official publication of Dr. Fauci’s National Institutes of Health – published what is now a blockbuster article on August 22, 2005, under the heading “Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread.”


H1N1 Outbreak

In the spring of 2009, a novel influenza A (H1N1) virus emerged. It was detected first in the United States and spread quickly across the United States and the world. This new H1N1 virus contained a unique combination of influenza genes not previously identified in animals or people. This virus was designated as influenza A (H1N1)pdm09 virus.


Bill And Melinda Gates Foundation commits $10BN to the World Health Organization

“In 2010, when Gates committed $10 billion to the WHO, he said “We must make this the decade of vaccines.” A month later, Gates said in a TED Talk that new vaccines “could reduce population.” And, four years later, in 2014, Kenya’s Catholic Doctors Association accused the WHO of chemically sterilizing millions of unwilling Kenyan women with a “tetanus” vaccine campaign. Independent labs found a sterility formula in every vaccine tested. After denying the charges, WHO finally admitted it had been developing the sterility vaccines for over a decade. Similar accusations came from Tanzania, Nicaragua, Mexico, and the Philippines.”


In a 2012 study, 'pulmonary immunopathy' results from coronavirus vaccines in lab rats, upon 'challenge' from a new virus

To wit: they never could make a vaccine that didn't cause grievous outcomes on 'challenge' from subsequent viral strains.

April, 2012

NIH bans gain of function research

Concerned by the implications of manipulating bat coronaviruses to become more pathogenic and/or deadly, the Obama NIH bans 'gain of function' research at UNC Chapel Hill, in the United States.


Research continues, through funding to the Wuhan Institute Of virology

NIH continues to research bat coronaviruses, outside the United States, with a $3.7M grant, using Peter Daszak and EcoHealth Alliance as 'middlemen'.


French Intelligence warns China is cutting back on collaboration in Wuhan

In 2015, French intelligence warned the State Department that “China was cutting back on agreed collaboration at the lab.”


Wuhan Institute doctors email Fauci inquiring about effective disinfectants

According to newly released Fauci emails from Judicial Watch, on July 15, 2016, Wuhan Institute of Virology Vice Director Yuan Zhiming asked members of Fauci’s office for help figuring out which kind of disinfectant to use for their laboratory. The Wuhan Institute did not know what disinfectants to use to clean their protective clothes, to clean the surface of the lab’s doors, or to disinfect “infectious materials indoor.”

July 15, 2016

Wuhan 'Bat Lady' publicly acknowledges she was conducting experiments on novel bat coronaviruses

According to newly released Fauci emails from Judicial Watch, on July 15, 2016, Wuhan Institute of Virology Vice Director Yuan Zhiming asked members of Fauci’s office for help figuring out which kind of disinfectant to use for their laboratory. The Wuhan Institute did not know what disinfectants to use to clean their protective clothes, to clean the surface of the lab’s doors, or to disinfect “infectious materials indoor.”

July 15, 2016

Fauci files patent for one or more molecules found in the virus (derived from HIV)

Dr. Anthony Fauci’s name appears on four U.S patents for a key glycoprotein that seems to have been inserted into the SARS virus to create COVID-19. Justia.com, a legal portal, lists patents by inventor Anthony Fauci involving a glycoprotein in HIV-1. This same glycoprotein, identified as Glycoprotein 120, or simply as GP120, has also been found to be a key component of the current COVID-19, a disease that appears to combine a HIV-1 attack on the human immune system, with SARS CoV-1, the pathogen from the original SARS.

August, 3 2016

Obama lifts gain of function research ban 10 days before leaving office

Unbeknownst to the Trump administration, and in violation of the ban, Fauci restarts research.


French scientists booted out of the Wuhan lab

During this time, the State Department found that Chinese researchers at the Wuhan lab were engaging in “classified research, including laboratory animal experiments, on behalf of the Chinese military[.]”


Wuhan scientists bitten by bats

Video made public by Chinese state-run media shows Wuhan Institute researchers admitting they had been bitten by bats. The footage demonstrates that many were not wearing proper PPE when handling bats.

December 2017

SPARS Pandemic 2025-2028 drill begins

Little was known about this drill until after the fact. It curiously aligns with the events to come less than 2 years later.

October 2017

Fauci knew his health agency was funding research at the Wuhan Institute

Emails recently released by Judicial Watch also reveal that in 2017, more than two years before the pandemic, Fauci knew his health agency was funding research at the Wuhan Institute geared towards enabling bat coronaviruses to infect human cells.

October 1, 2017

Ecohealth alliance goes to DARPA to seek funding for deadly virus research

They are promptly turned down by the secret research branch of the US military.


Clade X Exercise commences

The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security hosted the Clade X pandemic tabletop exercise on May 15, 2018, in Washington, DC. The purpose of the exercise was to illustrate high-level strategic decisions and policies that the United States and the world will need to pursue in order to prevent a pandemic or diminish its consequences should prevention fail.


US Health Department conducts simulation of a respiratory virus emulating from China

The simulation, which was conducted by the Trump administration’s Department of Health and Human Services in a series of exercises that ran from January to August 2019, involved a scenario in which a group of about 30 tourists returning from China spread a novel influenza A respiratory virus in the United States, beginning in Chicago.

January 2019

Wuhan Institute pulled offline its public database of 22,000 virus samples

Incredibly, the point person for Wuhan’s NIH grant, Peter Daszak, would later praise this move saying: “As you know, a lot of this work has been conducted with EcoHealth Alliance… There is no evidence of viruses closer to SARS-CoV-2 than RaTG13 in those databases, simple as that.”

September, 2019

Event 201 Tabletop exercise commences

Event 201 was a 3.5-hour pandemic tabletop exercise that simulated a series of dramatic, scenario-based facilitated discussions, confronting difficult, true-to-life dilemmas associated with response to a hypothetical, but scientifically plausible, pandemic. 15 global business, government, and public health leaders were players in the simulation exercise that highlighted unresolved real-world policy and economic issues that could be solved with sufficient political will, financial investment, and attention now and in the future.

October 2019

Chinese defector, in US custody and working with US Intelligence, says the virus was deliberately released at the World Military Games in October of 2019

China’s most famous defector to America warned US intelligence agencies a coronavirus was spreading in Wuhan in November 2019 – six weeks before China admitted there was an outbreak. Wei Jingsheng, the father of China’s democracy movement, reveals in a new book, “What Really Happened in Wuhan,” that he first heard of a mysterious new virus at the time of the World Military Games in Wuhan in October 2019.According to WND, China Institute of Fudan University Senior Researcher Chen Ping admitted in a video that was translated by New-York based blogger Jennifer Zeng that the CCP has won "the biology revolution.

November, 2019

NIH and Moderna review work on COVID-19 vaccine

Before anybody knew about COVID outside of Wuhan and the CCP, Modena and the NIH began work on an mRNA vaccine.

December 2019

Daszak (EcoHealth Alliance) brags about gain of function research on CSPAN

Daszak has publicly boasted about conducting gain of function research on bat coronaviruses. On December 9, 2019, days before COVID-19 overtook Wuhan, Daszak said about coronaviruses: “You can manipulate them in the lab pretty easily.” He noted that some coronaviruses can “get into human cells in the lab[.]”

December 2019

Emails show Fauci emailed to inquire about NIH funding in Wuhan

On the first full day China quarantined the city of Wuhan, newly released emails from Judicial Watch show Fauci immediately wanted to know about NIH funding to the Wuhan lab.

December 2019

COVID-19's emergence from China is acknowledged

Trump institutes travel ban to and from China. China bans internal travel to and from Wuhan, but permits travel to and from the province, internationally.

January 2020

The inaccurate PCR test is selected by the CDC to be the diagnostic instrument to measure the 'casedemic'

The inventor of the technology, Kary Mullis, advises against the test for detecting viral pathogens, since 'anything can be found in anything'.

February 2020

Unlike influenza A or B, comorbidities are not considered when providing a COVID-19 death count

Shock ensues when it's revealed that only 6% of COVID-19 deaths in the US are actually 'from' COVID, and not 'with' COVID.

February 2020

Attacks on hydroxychloroquine from the global health establishment ramp up

A non-scientific Lancet Journal (industry journal) meta-study, where the drug is not used prophylactically, and prescribed in higher doses than necessary, not used with zinc or vitamin D or azythromycin (made ineffective) is published, criticizing the drug. Vaccines are held out as the only solution.

May 2020

After Remdesivir failed to stop Ebola, Fauci covers death rate and pushes it out for COVID-19

An international legal group heard testimony that Remdesivir was one of four drugs in a clinical trial for Ebola in 2018 and was dropped from the study before it was over. This was after a safety review revealed that it had the highest death rate of the drugs being tested.

May 2020

CCP refuses to allow inspectors into its facility

In February 2020, it was made public that China had refused to let U.S. CDC experts into the country to observe its coronavirus outbreak for over a month.

February 2021

Despite billions of safe prescriptions, the corrupt US FDA discourages effective and safe Ivermectin

The treatment is widely panned as being 'horse dewormer', despite being highly effective.

February 2021

CCP-Linked Chinese Professor Proudly Claims China ‘Defeated’ US In A Biological War In 2020

A China Communist Party-linked Chinese professor was reported to have proudly claimed that China "defeated" the United States in a biological war in 2020, showing a possible admission that the COVID-19 pandemic was deliberate. According to WND, China Institute of Fudan University Senior Researcher Chen Ping admitted in a video that was translated by New-York based blogger Jennifer Zeng that the CCP has won "the biology revolution.

May 20, 2021

Nobel Laureate Luc Montagnier, and Pfizer Development Chief announce the vaccine will cause autoimmune disorders and antibody-dependent enhancement

The vaccines don’t stop the virus, argues the prominent virologist, they do the opposite — they “feed the virus,” and facilitate its development into stronger and more transmittable variants. These new virus variants will be more resistant to vaccination and may cause more health implications than their “original” versions.

May 2021

Top Chinese Whistleblower Exposes COVID-19 As An Unrestricted Warfare Bioweapon

A China Communist Party-linked Chinese professor was reported to have proudly claimed that China "defeated" the United States in a biological war in 2020, showing a possible admission that the COVID-19 pandemic was deliberate. Dr. Yan explained that COVID-19 is a product of the PLA’s “Unrestricted Bioweapons” program that was released worldwide from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. “Unrestricted means…no constraints, no consideration of humanity. So China’s unrestricted strategies not only apply to bioweapons. COVID-19 is an unrestricted bioweapon,” Dr. Yan told Jones, adding China also engages in asymmetrical information warfare like censorship to shape the COVID narrative.

August 2021

mRNA Inventor points out that the 2019 Tabletop Event 201 became the convenient template for handling of COVID-19, which spawned the same month

Robert Malone takes a charitable view of the corruption and conspiracy and says they were 'lost' and followed the training in their drills.

August 2021

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